Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 2 Reflections

As you know, I am providing six weeks of “take home” reflections for our congregants, between our water communion (September 7) and Sukkot (October 12). You can find the reflections at

Here are the reflections for week 2:
The theme for this year at the church is home because our building (our third) is turning 50 years old this year.
Give the children a tour of your home. Show them art that means something to you. Share with them what kind of music you have around and why it matters. Ask them what they love about your house. Show them some books and knick knacks and old family photographs. Sometime in the future, give them a tour of the church. Let them show you what they love here. Show them what you love about our building.

Ask your kids this week to check in on the tree (see week 1 reflection on befriending a tree).
Ask your child this question: This week what would you like me to teach you about?

Recently, I performed a funeral for an elderly woman. Her daughter recalled a precious and important memory with her mother that involved something as simple as making blueberry muffins together (when the daughter was 5) and running around in the church yard.
Letting Go of Hurry
One of the reasons that I believe that this story stuck with that woman about her mother was that in that moment all of the hurry of life disappeared. The act of making blueberry muffins was an intentional, purposeful, all consuming activity that enabled the mother and daughter to be fully present to each other.

A hurried attitude, my uncle Gary writes in his book Love as a Way of Life, even when you are alone, has an impact on how your related to yourself, to one another, to the earth. When we love intentionally, we become conscious of the way we are hurrying unncessarily and we slow down—with all of our relationships in mind.

Questions for reflection:
What would your relationships be like if you treated everyone, including yourself, as a person in a process rather than as a machine that performs?
When have you seen the patient attidue of a person change someone for the better?

Two quick updates:
A strong group of lay leaders and I are planning the Unitarian Church Spiritual Retreat. Because retreat sites are scarce and busy, we are postponing until March 20th the retreat. All will be welcomed. Workshops will be presented before the retreat to get everyone ready to retreat.

Art Wall. You may have noticed the art wall in the church. Colleen McCarty has on display beautiful original pieces. Original pieces and prints are available for purchase. 15% of the income goes to the church. Our next exhibitor will be AK Glade. Her photographs will go up October 1 and will enhance our theme for the year: Home.

See you in church,


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